
In three words… What does WELLNESS mean to you today?

What would you like to work on in our time together?


A Wellness Vision is as unique as you are! Here are a couple examples.

Your Wellness Vision

Close your eyes and IMAGINE you as your BEST SELF

What comes to mind? What does best self mean to you?

Who is there with you?

How are you feeling? What energizes you? What do you look like? How is your life different?

When is a time in your life that you were living this vision, if ever?

In what ways are you currently living as your best self now? In what ways are you not living as your best self right now?


List 3: Actions and Value/Desires

ie.. I am eating mindfully so that I can enjoy food while loosing weight

actions: I am __________

values and desires: so that__________

Where do you see yourself regarding your WELLNESS VISION in 1 year? 2 years? 10 years?

What are your next steps?

Are you ready to get started?